Dermal Fillers
Dermal fillers enhance your looks naturally through simple injections which can restore your skin's youthful volume, creating a softness and revitalising your appearance. Dermal fillers can offer a solution for men and women seeking to hold back the years and refresh their looks subtly and naturally. The quality of our natural reserves of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in the dermis gradually decreases with age, and as a result, the skin dries out and becomes fragile, causing wrinkles to appear. Over time, skin tissues progressively sag and the face becomes hollow. Dermal fillers can be used to correct and soften this volume loss to give a subtle and natural result.
Dermal fillers diminish tell-tale ageing lines and wrinkles, for example they can be used to create fuller, more sensuous lips. They can also be used in facial sculpting to enhance high cheekbones or replace lost fatty tissue to plump up cheeks and give the face a more defined shape.